Growth happens

when courage meets conviction

Mayaan Academy is a boarding program for high school girls, offering an academically, emotionally, and spiritually empowering environment.

I am searching for belonging


I am craving change


I am ready to feel


And I am ready to fight

Maayan Academy is a place of
bravery, strength, and growth.

A school where girls become
capable, determined, and connected young adults.

We watch as our students


Maayan Academy is a
State-accredited high school.
Our academic program is legitimate and inclusive.
With small classes and a focus on
differentiated and experiential learning, the girls at Maayan feel stimulated, satisfied, and successful.


We are a community. Constant, consistent, and secure. At Maayan, we learn how to live and we learn how to give. It’s a place where our girls cultivate awareness and respect from within, through expressive electives and continual emotional support.


A relationship with Hashem is individual and personal. We encourage each student to develop her unique connection to Yiddishkeit, uncovering her passion and discovering her purpose. The journey is exhaustive but rewarding.

Meet the Team

Chaya Aviva Katz


“Being an educator in various positions for over 25 years left me with something beautiful. I have come to recognize that aside from my students’ growth, I too have grown and gained from them tremendously.
To me, every child is a world. A world of connection, a world of social and emotional needs, a world of their very own. I founded
Maayan to help that individual world. Not only to educate academically, but to help students feel confident, comfortable and in control every day of their lives.”

Miriam Handelsman

Co-Founder/Clinical Director

“Being the director of the women’s program at The Living Room and the clinical director at Bnot Chaya Academy, I worked with teens struggling with addiction, trauma, and mental illness. What I found most amazing was the raw courage they portrayed. There was a resilience there, that still inspires me.
In Maayan, I don’t just witness the students’ growth; I watch them face their deepest pain, and join them in their moments of celebration. It’s a beautiful journey that I’m truly lucky to be part of.”

“It was a really big, scary change, but it was one of the best decisions of my life – coming here”

– Maayan Hero

We meet you where you’re at emotionally and academically.

“We draw, sketch, have art… they work it out so that we can all sit and listen”

“If I have to miss a class, I’m actually sad – I love it!”

We learn here that a spiritual  connection stems from emotional stability.

“Maayan taught me that growth is something satisfying” 

“Now, when I say Tehilim, I actually know what I’m saying” 

We are a snow globe of security, an ideal environment for growth.

“It’s a place away from my house with other girls who understand.” 

“Everyone is always looking out for each other; we’re like a huge family.” 

We focus on giving to others while still helping ourselves.

“I learned how to honestly see the good parts in a lot of people”

“I’ve learned a lot about myself and working on becoming a better person”

We collaborate with you, checking in on the progress of your self-created goals.

“This is the kind of school where they’ll say – ‘what do you think is going on’ – and they’ll guide you into finding what needs to be worked for you.”

“I feel like I’m working toward a goal every day”

Maayan Academy is a
home school haven place of heroes